Methodological approach to determining directions and indicators of increasing the state’s defense sufficiency as an element of the methodology for assessing its defense capabilities
Purpose: to present the approach to substantiate the directions of increasing the defence sufficiency of the state (its typical indicators), which is relevant in the current conditions of ensuring the defence capabilities of the state.
Method: analysis; synthesis; comparison; formalization and evaluation of the material; abstraction and conjunctural analysis (thinking).
Findings: the article are given the indicators that reflect possible directions of increasing the defense sufficiency of the state by such criteria as “protection”, “current capabilities” and “development” according to the approach of their substantiation, which can be used in determining the current strategic directions of ensuring defence capability in the medium and long term.
Theoretical implications: the approach presented in the article to determining the directions of improvement of the defence capability of the state and taking into account the areas of weighted actual values and the values of the need for n-indicators of defence capability can be used as an element of the methodology of assessment of the defence capability of the country.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Oleh Semenenko, Volodymyr Horbatiuk, Maryna Abramova, Oleh Tarasov, Serhii Mytchenko, Yaroslav Vovk

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