Analysis of the influence of military and economic factors on the justification of the choice of a rational version of the composition of the intelligence-strike system in the operation

Keywords: analysis, factors, assessments, correlation, intelligence-strike system, capabilities


Purpose: conducting an analysis and assessment of the influence of factors on the selection and justification of the rational composition of intelligence-strike systems for the conduct of operations by troops (forces).

Method: the main methods of research are expert methods, the method of analysis of hierarchies, the method of regression and correlation analysis, methods of statistical analysis and mathematical statistics, forecasting methods.

Findings: Lists of the main military and economic factors that influence the choice of a rational variant of the intelligence-strike system in the operation were formed, as well as an assessment of the degree of interrelationship of changes in economic factors during the studied period with indicators of the combat potential of military formations.

Theoretical implications: the main results of research on the topic of the article are: a list of the main external and internal military and economic factors that influence the choice and justification of a rational variant of the intelligence-strike system in the operation; proposed approach to assessing the degree of influence of factors by applying the method of regression and correlation analysis.

Paper type: theoretical and practical.


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How to Cite
Semenenko, O., Marko, I., Baranov, S., Remez, A., Cherevatyi, T., & Malinovskyi, A. (2022). Analysis of the influence of military and economic factors on the justification of the choice of a rational version of the composition of the intelligence-strike system in the operation. Social Development and Security, 12(6), 31-48.
National Security

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