Practical steps in psychosocial risks assessment
Goal. Practical algorithm development for managing psychosocial risks in organizations based on the ISO 45003:2021 standard "Occupational health and safety management - Psychological health and safety at work - Guidelines for managing psychosocial risks" requirements.
Research methods. To assess psychosocial risk, the "bow tie" model was used, which involves the stress experience risk assessing, taking into account the dangerous psychosocial factors impact on a dangerous event probability, determined by the questionnaire results.
The results. It is proposed to carry out the psychosocial risks assessment taking into account the intensity and duration of the stressogenic factor impact on the employee. Matrices have been developed to determine the consequences severity depending on the intensity and duration of stress experienced by the employee and to assess the psychosocial risk level. A scale was developed to assess the diseases developing probability under the stress influence. The amount of psychosocial risk for a compressor plant operator was determined, taking into account thirteen dangerous psychosocial factors that increase the dangerous event probability - experiencing stress by the employee. Recommendations have been developed to reduce the stress load on the compressor plant operator.
Scientific novelty. The relationship between dangerous psychosocial factors and the employees reaction to experiencing stress has been established.
Practical value. A questionnaire for a compressor plant operator was developed, which presents five groups of dangerous factors: aspects of work organization, social factors, working environment, equipment, dangerous tasks with the specific factors suggestions inherent in the production process.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Vitaly Tsopa, Serhiy Cheberyachko, Oleg Deryugin, Anatoly Alekseyev, Oksana Stanislavchuk, Olena Stolbchenko

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