Improving the psychosocial risks management process taking into account the influence of dangerous factors: discrimination, mobing and sexism
Purpose: is the development of a psychosocial risk management model taking into account various dangerous factors such as mobbing, sexism and discrimination and development of appropriate preventive measures, including legislative requirements.
Method: general scientific and special legal methods of scientific knowledge, the formal legal method.
Findings: An effective methodology for managing psychosocial risks has been developed, taking into account various dangerous factors, such as mobbing, sexism, discrimination and appropriate preventive measures, including legislative requirements
Practical implications: lies in the development of recommendations for reducing negative phenomena in the organizational culture of business facilities, which involve the creation of a safe and comfortable workplace, both physically and psychologically.
Paper type: theoretical, descriptive, methodical.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Tsopa Tsopa, Serhii Cheberyachko, Olena Yavorska, Oleg Deryugin, Svitlana Sokurenko, Olena Sharovatova

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