Assessment of professional risks of the driver of a technological truck for forestry conditions

Keywords: professional risk, dangerous factor, dangerous event, fuzzy Dematel method


Purpose: The aim of this work is to improve the process of determining the level of professional risk of the driver of a technological truck, by determining the relationships between various external and internal dangerous factors that increase the probability of an unusual event during the performance of production activities.

Method: to use the fuzzy method “Decision Making Trial and Evaluation” (fuzzy Dematel).

Theoretical value of research: thirty dangerous factors that can lead to a violation of the musculoskeletal system of the driver of a technological truck during the performance of labor obligations at forestry enterprises have been identified. The most influential dangerous factors were determined by the fuzzy Dematel method, which have the greatest influence on the occurrence of a dangerous event related to the work of a driver of a technological truck.

Practical value of research: a cause-and-effect relationship was established between the identified dangerous factors that affect the work of the driver of a technological truck during the performance of professional activities, which allows the identification of the most causal and consequential dangerous factors.

Value of research: an algorithm for the assessment of professional risks has been developed taking into account.


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How to Cite
Tsopa, V., Borodina, N., Cheberiachko, S., Deryugin, O., Hilpert, V., & Borovytskyi, O. (2022). Assessment of professional risks of the driver of a technological truck for forestry conditions. Social Development and Security, 12(5), 93-110.
Civil Security

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