Increasing the performance of the work safety management system at the industrial enterprise

Keywords: labor protection system, occupational risk, “FRAM” method, management decisions


Purpose: The aim of this work is study of the influence of errors and inconsistencies on the effectiveness of the management of the Occupational Health and Safety System in the conditions of an industrial enterprise.

Method: to use the method - "Functional Resonance Analysis Method" ("FRAM" method).

Theoretical value of research: The main functions of the Occupational Health and Safety System at an industrial enterprise are determined, which depend on the analysis of working conditions, substantiation of performance indicators, verification of adequacy and features of occupational risk assessment, taking into account input data, time of the production process, possible prerequisites, necessary resources and the appropriate level of control. In order to describe the variability of functions, it is proposed to consider four scenarios of the development of events, based on their timely and accurate execution, which made it possible to present possible errors in the Occupational Safety and Health System and their consequences for the effectiveness of employee protection in view of the development of several possible positive and negative results of its implementation. Considered possible reasons for the deterioration of the efficiency of the Occupational Health and Safety System, caused by errors and dictated by the variability of functions, which made it possible to justify steps to reduce the likelihood of occupational risks.

Practical value of research: Proposed scales for determining the variability of procedures, the timeliness of their implementation, and evaluating the effectiveness of the occupational health and safety management system at an industrial enterprise.

Value of research: It is proposed to determine the effectiveness of the management of the labor protection management system at an industrial enterprise as a product of the quality of the procedure execution, taking into account the input aspects (availability of control, resources and prerequisites) with their variability and timeliness of execution.

Type of article: practical.


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How to Cite
Borodina, N., Cheberyachko, S., Cheberyachko, Y., Yavorska, O., Deryugin, O., & Lantukh, D. (2023). Increasing the performance of the work safety management system at the industrial enterprise. Social Development and Security, 13(1), 189-206.
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