Regarding the construction of a model of defense resource management at the level of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

(main aspects of the theory of defense resource management)

Keywords: security, model, resource, defense planning, defense resources


Purpose: is to determine methodological approaches to building a model of defense resource management at the level of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, as well as to determine the main aspects of building a theory of defense resource management both at the state level and at the level of the Armed Forces).

Method: the main methods of research are methods of analysis and synthesis, methods of military economic theory, analysis; induction and deduction, as well as comparison; formalization; abstraction and modeling.

Findings: the main principles and features of building a model of defense resource management at the level of the state and the armed forces were formed; several options for building the structure of the defense resource management model in Ukraine are proposed; the main methods used during the functioning of the defense resource management system are defined; views on the main reasons for the low effectiveness of the defense resource management system of Ukraine are determined.

Theoretical implications: the disclosure of the main aspects of the formation of the theory of defense resources management, as well as formed views on the construction of several variants of models of defense resources management at the level of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

Paper type: methodical.


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How to Cite
Koval, V., Semenenko, O., Skurinevska, L., Semenenko, L., Dobrovolskyi, Y., & Yarmolchyk, M. (2023). Regarding the construction of a model of defense resource management at the level of the Armed Forces of Ukraine: (main aspects of the theory of defense resource management). Social Development and Security, 13(1), 128-143.
Social Sciences

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