The main theoretical aspects of determining the criteria of military and economic efficiency in the tasks of justifying the choice of rational options for complex types of weapons and military equipment

Keywords: effectiveness, weapons, criteria, factors


Purpose: The purpose of the article is to determine the peculiarities of the theoretical aspects of determining the criteria of military and economic efficiency in the tasks of justifying the choice of rational options for complex types of weapons and military equipment (aircraft, tank, ship, anti-aircraft missile complex, rocket salvo system, etc.).

Method: the main methods of research are methods of analysis and synthesis, methods of military-economic theory, methods of operations research, the method of military-economic analysis.

Findings: The article presents the main theoretical views of the authors regarding the definition of military-economic criteria for the justification of the choice of rational complex models of weapons and military equipment (aircraft, tank, ship, etc.) from the available alternative proposals for the purpose of their further serial production. Also, the article outlines the basic requirements for military-economic criteria, provides an approach to their classification, and discloses the specifics of their application. On the basis of the theoretical aspects of the military-economic analysis method, during the justification of technical solutions, the order of formation of the sequence of hierarchical optimization according to the selected criteria, taking into account the peculiarities of their application, is proposed.

Theoretical implications: the main results of research on the topic of the article are: determined theoretical features of the application of military-economic criteria in the field of technical decision-making regarding the selection of complex samples of weapons and military equipment; basic requirements for military and economic criteria have been formed; an approach to their classification is provided; the features of their application are disclosed.

Paper type: theoretical, descriptive, practical, methodical.


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How to Cite
Semenenko, O., Lipskyi, A., Hetman, A., Reznik, V., Herasymenko, O., & Tarasov, R. (2023). The main theoretical aspects of determining the criteria of military and economic efficiency in the tasks of justifying the choice of rational options for complex types of weapons and military equipment. Social Development and Security, 13(2), 171-184.
Military Economic Analysis and Evaluation

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