Analysis of theory and practice of evaluation of the influence of the results of the modernization of weapons and military equipment on the combat possibilities of the armed forces of the armed forces of Ukraine

Keywords: evaluation, modernization, opportunities, armament


Significant changes in the military-political, socio-economic and demographic state of Ukraine that have occurred in recent years have caused the need to develop new approaches to ensuring its national security, including the definition and clarification of: the tasks of the Armed Forces, their role and place in the structure the security and defense sectors of Ukraine; scientifically substantiated goals of reforming the Armed Forces; the composition and structure of the services of the Armed Forces, combat arms and special forces, which can optimally ensure armed protection of national interests, territorial integrity of Ukraine; a cost estimate of the costs required to implement plans to reform the Armed Forces and to maintain them at the required level of combat and mobilization readiness; the economic capabilities of the state to meet the needs of the Armed Forces, which are due to the need to solve the tasks assigned to them, and the like. One of the main issues of the further development of the Armed Forces of Ukraine today is the quality and completeness of the solution to the issues of military-technical policy. The degree of implementation of which directly affects the state and technical equipment of the Armed Forces and depends on many components that create both positive and negative effects on the state and further development of the Armed Forces. The main role in this process is played by the financing of the needs of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the required volume, as well as the scientific substantiation of medium-term and long-term plans for the development of weapons and military equipment. When developing them, it is necessary to be based on the needs of ensuring the required level of defense capability by finding the optimal balance between the defensive needs and economic capabilities of the state, on the one hand, and the combat and technical characteristics of weapons and military equipment, on the other hand. It is on the state of financing of defense needs that the degree of fulfillment of the tasks of equipping the Armed Forces of Ukraine with the latest or modernized models of weapons and military equipment depends. This raises the problem of finding the most optimal (expedient), from a military and economic point of view, ways to provide the Armed Forces of Ukraine with samples of weapons and military equipment. The authors in the article present the results of the analysis of the theory and practice of assessing the impact of the results of modernization of weapons and military equipment on the combat capabilities of military formations, as well as the factors that affect them. The analysis was carried out in the following areas: analysis and assessment of the impact of modernization on the level of combat capabilities of a military formation; analysis of the modernization of the Armed Forces of Ukraine; analysis of the existing methodological apparatus for determining the requirements for quantitative and qualitative characteristics in the modernization of weapons and military equipment. Based on the results obtained, the authors have proposed a number of recommendations for further research on improving the combat capabilities of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, taking into account the results of modernization of weapons and military equipment in the formation of medium-term and long-term development programs.


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How to Cite
SemenenkоO., Trehubenko, S., Kharitonov, K., Semenenko , L., Musienko, V., & Tarasov, O. (2021). Analysis of theory and practice of evaluation of the influence of the results of the modernization of weapons and military equipment on the combat possibilities of the armed forces of the armed forces of Ukraine. Social Development and Security, 11(3), 116-129.

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