On assessing Ukraineʼs economic losses due to Russian aggression and forecasting their impact on the state of its national economy and the level of military and economic security (February-April 2022)
Purpose: is to analyze the dynamics of economic losses (losses) of the national economy of Ukraine due to the Russian-Ukrainian war with further determination of their content and structure, as well as to determine approaches to estimating their total value in order to include them in reparations to Russia to compensate losses, and forecasting their impact on the state of the national economy and the level of military and economic security of Ukraine.
Design/Method/Approach: the main research methods are methods of statistical analysis, military-economic analysis, expert survey and forecasting methods.
Findings: an analysis of the dynamics of losses of Ukraine as a result of the Russian-Ukrainian war, based on which the forecasting of their impact on the state of the national economy and the level of military and economic security of Ukraine.
Theoretical implications: the main results of research on the subject of the article are estimates of economic losses of Ukraine for the first three months of the war on the basis of which forecasting their impact on the national economy of Ukraine and the level of its military and economic security during different periods of the war.
Papertype: descriptive and calculation-analytical.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Oleh Semenenko, Iryna Chernyshova, Olha Taran, Illia Kaplia, Volodimir Musienko, Tetiana Poberezhec

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