On the issue of increasing the quality of economic development of the country by taking into account correlation between military expenditure and macroeconomic indicators of the country

Keywords: military spending, economic development, macroeconomic indicators, correlation analysis, Fechner coefficient, Spearman coefficient, Kendel coefficient


The authors' analysis of available open publications made it possible to identify one of the possible shortcomings of improving the economic development of the state, not taking into account the consequences of changes in military spending and macroeconomic indicators of the state during medium and long-term government planning.

According to the authors, taking into account foreign experience is appropriate for a comprehensive analysis of the possibilities of transformation of their own economic processes. The correlation analysis generalized the results of determining possible links / dependencies between changes in the volume of expenditures for the needs of the Ministry of Defense and the level of gross domestic expenditure, inflation, closest to Ukraine and leading countries. This made it possible to single out countries with a possible positive impact of defense spending on their economic processes. Further research in this area may identify a number of analogies that should be used to improve the policy of economic development of their own country.


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How to Cite
Semenenkо O., Moskalenko , I., Abramova , M., Koverga , V., Semenenko , L., & Tselishchev , I. (2021). On the issue of increasing the quality of economic development of the country by taking into account correlation between military expenditure and macroeconomic indicators of the country. Social Development and Security, 11(4), 112-122. https://doi.org/10.33445/sds.2021.11.4.9

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