Main aspects of ensuring the defense sufficiency of the state taking into account the state of development of its national economy

Keywords: security, state, politics, sanctions, economy, war


Purpose: disclosure of the main theoretical aspects of ensuring the defense sufficiency of the state, taking into account the state of development of its national economy and the forecast directions of the development of the state military and economic strategy of Ukraine.

Design/Method/Approach: the main methods of research are the methods of empirical analysis and synthesis, as well as the method of structural analysis, data formalization, and military-economic evaluation and comparison.

Findings: the main components of the defense significance of the military and economic strategy of Ukraine are defined and their content is disclosed, attention is focused on the peculiarities of their practical direction in the modern conditions of the development of Ukraine and ensuring the necessary level of defense sufficiency.

Theoretical implications: the article theoretically proves that the maximum result of the task of increasing the country's defense capability can be achieved under the condition of correct (logically verified) comprehensive use of all elements of the principle of defense sufficiency. The article reveals the logic of the interaction of these elements in modern international and domestic conditions in which Ukraine and the components of its security and defense sector are.

Paper type: descriptive and analytical.


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How to Cite
Semenenko, O., Taran, O., Trehubenko, S., Onofriichuk, P., Pekuliak, R., & Motrunych, I. (2022). Main aspects of ensuring the defense sufficiency of the state taking into account the state of development of its national economy. Social Development and Security, 12(3), 110-127.
Social Sciences

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