A strategic leader and his red team in the military sphere: features of his mission

Keywords: leader, the red command, effective management


Purpose: The purpose of the article is to reveal the main aspects of the formation of a strategic leader and his red team in the military sphere, as well as to determine the specifics of his mission in the highest echelon of the state's military management system.

Method: the main methods of research are methods of analysis, induction and deduction; formalization and expert survey.

Findings: the main results of the article are: the results of the analysis of foreign and domestic studies devoted to the topic of leadership development in the military sphere; identification and assessment of the main factors that affect the effectiveness of the strategic military leader and his red team; identification of the main members of the strategic military leader's red team; defining the features of forming the image of a strategic military leader.

Theoretical implications: the theoretical value of the research lies in determining the main aspects of the formation of a strategic leader and his red team.

Paper type: theoretical, descriptive, methodical.


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How to Cite
Mokliak, S., Semenenko, O., Semenenko, L., Yarmolchyk, M., Tarasov, O., & Petrenko, S. (2023). A strategic leader and his red team in the military sphere: features of his mission. Social Development and Security, 13(5), 244-255. https://doi.org/10.33445/sds.2023.13.5.23
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