On the role and significance of the banking system as a tool of ensuring the military and economic security of Ukraine

Keywords: bank, security, economic, development, indices, indicators


Today, risk management is an important task of the entire banking system, and ensuring banking security is becoming the basis for the functioning of the mechanism of financial security of the state, and in turn through it military and economic security in general. The authors present views on the role of the banking system of Ukraine as an important entity in the transactional financial expenditure and revenue distribution system of the budget, the threat of its significant impact on microeconomic and macroeconomic processes, military and economic potential and the level of military and economic security. the world. The authors also proposed a hierarchical expenditure structure of settlement and cash services of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and revealed its relationship with the indicators of military and economic security of the state. The article presents the results of the analysis of the dynamics of the average annual rates of devaluation (revaluation) rates of exchange rate differentiation of the hryvnia with extrapolation to two future periods against the two leading world currencies: the dollar and the euro. An attempt has been made to reveal the current risks of slowing down the development of Ukraine's economy and changing the level of its military and economic security. Based on the analysis of the banking system of Ukraine, the main opportunities for improving the budget transactional payment and cash process and identified the results of such improvement. A further direction of research is to conduct financial and economic calculations for the reliable functioning of the Unified Treasury State Bank, as a closed system of payment and settlement services, its impact on the internal equilibrium economic state of the state.


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How to Cite
Semenenkо O., Abramova, M., Mytchenko , S., Baranov, S., Козорог , А., & Boiko , P. (2021). On the role and significance of the banking system as a tool of ensuring the military and economic security of Ukraine. Social Development and Security, 11(5), 190-203. https://doi.org/10.33445/sds.2021.11.5.18

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