On the question of evaluating the sufficiency of human resources of Ukraine to ensure the necessary level of defense capacity and the military-economic security of the state

Keywords: human resources, defense potential, armed forces, defense capability, capabilities


Links determining and evaluation between economic development and state's defense capability is an important step to justification possibilities of the national resources reproduction and rational using. One of the main elements of ensuring the required level of the state's defense potential is competent management of the human resources qualitative and quantitative characteristics. Determining and controlling their constituent elements ratio is one of the parts of the national security-enhancing and economic progress driving force. Therefore, the authors of the article focused on a state's capabilities levels assessing of providing human resources, which made possible to “sufficient level” boundaries determining for the human resource possibilities of maintaining required level restoring of the state's defense potential.


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How to Cite
Semenenko , O., Butenko , R., Abramova, M., Koverga , V., Motrunych , I., & Chuhui , H. (2021). On the question of evaluating the sufficiency of human resources of Ukraine to ensure the necessary level of defense capacity and the military-economic security of the state. Social Development and Security, 11(6), 217-230. https://doi.org/10.33445/sds.2021.11.6.17

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