Personnel management as an element of food safety in the Ukrainian Armed Forces

Keywords: food service, food safety, food contamination, risks, biological contamination, chemical contamination, radioactive contamination


Purpose: Рotential threats analysis of food security facing at the state and at the Armed Forces in the matter of food supply for the Ukrainian Army with the aim of developing a strategy to avoid or minimize risks.

Method: comparative.

The results of the research: The strategic political, economic and social acpects of food security that must be solved comprehensively at the state level, is highlighted. The uninterrupted provision and availability of food of appropriate quality in sufficient quantity to maintain the normal life activity of the body are among them. Certain vulnerable aspects of food safety are also defined, the prevention of which is directly entrusted to the personnel of the food service and directly depends on their competence. They are related to the spoilage of food products due to the expiration of the product's shelf life, and/or due to the ingress of pathogenic organisms, chemical, physical, and radioactive pollutants into the food. Recommendations to minimize possible food security risks were developed, which is especially relevant in the conditions of hostilities. Two  the most likely ways of contamination of food in the conditions of hostilities were identified. They are unintentional, as a result of negligence or non-observance of safety rules for handling food and contamination as a result of sabotage activities.

Value: Finding of the most vulnerable aspects of storage, transportation, preparation and distribution of ready-made food will allow to develop a risk assessment system and an optimal strategy for preventing intentional and accidental food spoilage.

Papertype: theoretical.


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How to Cite
Yakymynska, L., Pasternak , I., Zakharov, A., & Bondarenko, O. (2023). Personnel management as an element of food safety in the Ukrainian Armed Forces. Social Development and Security, 13(6), 150-158.
Civil Security