To the problem of improvement of combat rations according to feeding of NATO Response Force

Keywords: food service, sets of dry products, combat rations, NATO Response Force


Purpose: Analysis of the possibility of using the approaches used to form combat rations for the NATO Response Force, to improve the sets of dry products for the nutrition of personnel during redeployment, as well as in conditions of close proximity to the front line.

Method: comparative.

Research results: Food and non-food characteristics of the main and additional nature, which affect the possibility of their use for normal and extreme conditions of life of troops (forces), are highlighted. It has been found that a range of factors must be taken into account in order for dry food kits to be able to be used for the long term required to perform their intended tasks. The main factors of the food type include the energy value of the set and the content of macroelements and minerals. Equally important in the long term are additional nutritional characteristics, namely the ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, as well as the content of certain vitamins, on the consumption of products and the efficiency of their assimilation. Among the non-food factors that have a direct impact on the quality of food, the variety of the menu, the volume of water required to restore sublimated products, the presence of additional accessories, in particular, heating elements, cutlery, napkins, the type of packaging, in particular the possibility of partially using the contents of the set with further its storage, etc..

Theoretical value of the research: Delineation of the most important factors that influence the quality of dry food kits is fundamentally important for choosing the optimal strategy for improving dry food kits used to provide autonomous nutrition during the performance of assigned tasks.

Papertype: theoretical.


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How to Cite
Yakymynska, L., Pasternak, I., Olekhnovych, V., & Zakusilo, O. (2024). To the problem of improvement of combat rations according to feeding of NATO Response Force. Social Development and Security, 14(2), 143-150.
Civil Security