Influence of anthropogenic factors on the solution of applied problems of recording language information in the open area

Keywords: emergency, acoustic wave, sound source, acoustic background, microphone


Purpose: on the basis of systematization of features of acoustic anthropogenic factors in the air environment their influence on the decision of applied problems of removal of the speech information in the open area is analyzed.

Design/Method/Approach: in performing this work used methods of analysis of physical properties of the air and technical parameters of acoustic signals, methods of describing acoustic fields, systematization and generalization of data and knowledge, methods of qualitative assessment of the impact of anthropogenic factors.

Findings: the article shows that the components of the acoustic background are sources of natural, artificial and mixed origin, each of which has a specific noise spectrum. Anthropogenic air factor is defined as a family (association) of noise of artificial origin. These technical noises are the result of human activity.


Theoretical implications: is that the range of recording language information in the open depends on the level of acoustic background in the area of application. With the constancy of the technical parameters of the acoustic device and the constant strength of the target, the range of its detection will be less the higher the level of the acoustic background, and conversely, reducing the intensity of the acoustic background increases the range of speech information.

Papertype: scientific and practical.


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How to Cite
Azarenko, O., Honcharenko, Y., Divizinyuk, M., Mirnenko, V., Strilets, V., & Wilk-Jakubowski, J. L. (2022). Influence of anthropogenic factors on the solution of applied problems of recording language information in the open area. Social Development and Security, 12(3), 135-143.
Civil Security

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