Development of mathematical models of calculation of material reserves engineers of civil protection forces

Keywords: civil protection, material reserves, readiness indicators, probability, emergency, mathematical model of calculation


Mathematical models of calculation of various types of material resources (weapons) of civil protection forces to ensure operational response to emergency situations of man-made, natural, social and military nature are developed.  The new scientific result is a number of mathematical models that are designed to improve the efficiency of the equipment, the units of civil protection forces when performing tasks to eliminate the consequences of emergencies, as well as in general the efficiency of the functioning of a single state civil protection system.  It is shown that in order to ensure the effective functioning of civil protection units in the performance of the tasks of eliminating the NA and their consequences on sufficient (given) level of readiness, taking into account the presence of various types of material reserves, it is necessary to develop models that would allow to determine the necessary types and volumes of material reserves.  It is proposed and introduced to consider the concept of several types of material reserves necessary to ensure the operation and repair of technology and weapons.  Material reserves can be formed in separate types of elements in warehouses – warehouse, a set of material reserve for a separate type of technique or arms to one object – object or a group of single-type objects of technology – group. The components of the calculation of various types of material reserves that are considered is the possibility of a rational determination of the volume of warehouse material reserve to ensure the prevention and elimination of emergencies and their consequences at a sufficient level, rational determination of the level of single material reserve at a sufficient level at a minimum value, as well as  The material reserve of a group of single-type weapons in a given coefficient of security at a minimum value. In order to assess the impact of material reserves for the efficiency of functioning of civil protection forces in the elimination of NA and their consequences, some indicators of armament reliability are used in the State Standard of DSTU 2860-94. Reliability of technology. Terms and definitions. In this paper, an action algorithm is given in calculating various types of material reserve of objects of civil protection forces.


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How to Cite
Divizinyuk , M., Yelisieiev , V., Mirnenko , V., Pruskyi , A., Tishchenko , V., & Vlasenko , E. (2021). Development of mathematical models of calculation of material reserves engineers of civil protection forces. Social Development and Security, 11(5), 67-80.

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