Ways to increase the effectiveness of physical protection systems of critical infrastructure of the state, protected

Keywords: emergency, terrorist act, physical protection system, acoustic control, directional microphone


The article is devoted to the definition of new ways to increase the effectiveness of physical protection systems of critical infrastructure, which are the main technical means of preventing terrorist acts against these objects. The characteristic of premises protection systems and control objects adjoining territories of critical infrastructure is described. It is shown that the functional purpose of the physical protection system includes devices and alarm systems for detection, collection and processing of information, alarm, access control and management, optoelectronic surveillance, operational communication and notification, power supply and lighting, physical protection systems nuclear materials during transportation.


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How to Cite
Azarenko , O., Honcharenko , Y., Divizinyuk , M., Mirnenko , V., & Strilets , V. (2021). Ways to increase the effectiveness of physical protection systems of critical infrastructure of the state, protected. Social Development and Security, 11(4), 200-213. https://doi.org/10.33445/sds.2021.11.4.18

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