Structural-logical model of emergency situation management of terrorist character and its features caused by latent electromagnetic influence on the operational staff of the guarded facility of critical infrastructure
The main objective of emergency management is to prevent the catastrophic event around which it develops, and in the event of its (catastrophic event) occurrence, to minimize damage and possible consequences. The structural-logical model of emergency management consists of six blocks such as monitoring of the situation (collecting everyday factors), identification of emergency risk (finding an extreme factor), analysis of the risk (forecasting and modeling the emergency), preparation of options for managerial decisions, making a decision and delivering it to the performers, an impact on the situation, which is through the structure of performers affects the controlled facility and closes the control loop. This ensures the continuity of the process of managing an emergency situation of terrorist character in the interests of its prevention.
The feature of the electromagnetic influence on the personnel of guarded critical infrastructure facilities is its latency and long-term preservation of the impact results.
This, in turn, can lead to the mistakes of the personnel, who provide the main technological process of the protected facility and lead to a technogenic catastrophic event.
In order to counteract such terrorist actions, it is necessary to develop and implement certain measures, which we will call as the features of the structural-logical model of emergency situation management of terrorist character at a guarded critical infrastructure facility.
At work on the basis of the analysis of a generalized structural-logical model of emergency situation management of terrorist character at a guarded critical infrastructure facility and the features of latent electromagnetic influence on the personnel of a guarded facility, there have been occurred some factors that determine the features of the structural – logical model of emergency situation management of terrorist character at a guarded critical infrastructure facility caused by latent electromagnetic influence on the operational (managerial) staff of the facility.
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Copyright (c) 2020 Elena Azarenko, Yulia Honcharenko, Mykhailo Divizinyuk , Volodymyr Mirnenko , Iuliia Syrytsia

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