Development of a laboratory-experimental installation for verification of the mathematical model and the methodology developed on its basis for the prevention of emergencies on landfills with liquidation energy-intensive technological equipment

з технологічним ліквідаційним енергоємним устаткуванням

Keywords: landfill, liquidation energy-intensive technological equipment, landslide, landfill grounds, prevention of emergencies


Authors present the developed laboratory installation. The laboratory installation allows to determine the influence of indicators of the physical state of landfill soils on the stability of slopes to shear, it allows you to check the reliability of the mathematical model and the methodology developed on its basis for the prevention of emergencies of the cascade type of propagation due to landslides of landfill soils on landfill with liquidation energy-intensive technological equipment. A rectangular experimental box with swivel and fixed parts, swivel and locking mechanisms, table plates, sprayer, tangential load system are the main elements of the developed laboratory installation. The possibility of conducting a series of experiments based on the use of landslide experimental blocks with changes in humidity, density, temperature and angle of inclination of the base of the sliding surface, as well as determining the mechanical characteristics (angle of internal friction, specific adhesion of landfill soils) are the main requirements for the installation. The transition of a landslide experimental block of landfill soils into a dynamic state is considered the emergence of an emergency at the object level of distribution.

In the course of the work, a technique was developed for conducting experimental studies and processing observation results. The methodology includes the following procedures: establishment of initial and boundary conditions; preparation of a laboratory installation; conducting a series of experiments to determine the mechanical parameters and the shear angle of the experimental blocks, and a series of experiments to determine the indicators of moisture, temperature and density of landfill soil on the fact of a shift, taking into account a gradual increase in moisture; statistical processing to obtain a statistical sample of the values of the effective indicators of the physical state of landfill soils included in the confidence interval according to the classical statistical method – Student's t-test.


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Author Biographies

Mykhailo Divizinyuk , Institute of Geochemistry and Environment of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

Dr., Professor, Head of Department

Volodymyr Mirnenko , Department of Military Education and Science of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine

Dr., Professor

Nina Rashkevich , National University of Civil Defenсe of Ukraine

PhD student

Olga Shevchenko , National University of Civil Defenсe of Ukraine

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Senior Researcher


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How to Cite
Divizinyuk , M., Mirnenko , V., Rashkevich , N., & Shevchenko , O. (2020). Development of a laboratory-experimental installation for verification of the mathematical model and the methodology developed on its basis for the prevention of emergencies on landfills with liquidation energy-intensive technological equipment: з технологічним ліквідаційним енергоємним устаткуванням. Social Development and Security, 10(5), 15-27.

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