Methods of determining the priority of research projects in the field of development of armament and military equipment
The results of the research published in the article will be useful for researchers and logistic support specialists who are involved in creation of samples of armament and military equipment. The article considers the methodology for the selection and assessment of research projects focused on practical use in planning and implementing innovative processes in the development of armament and military equipment. The methodology establishes a general procedure for forming a list of research projects according to their priority (importance), which must be carried out within the framework of the State Defense Order. The methodology is based on quantitative and qualitative analysis of the expected results of research projects and their purpose. To formalize a generalized indicator of the quality of research results, it is proposed to use a point method for ranking alternatives according to a set of basic criteria. The proposed method is distinguished by a high degree of versatility and flexibility, the ability to form a group or groups of experts with different properties. It has a high degree of adaptability to the influence of various factors of the design environment and the ability to integrate with other scientific methods.
It is shown that the proposed method of assessing the priority of research work can be used in any other branch of science, as well as at the level of individual scientific organizations, not only to assess planned research work, but also for cross-sectoral comparisons, monitoring efficiency scientific activity. The results of forecasting the implementation of the developed methodology for forming a list of priority projects of research topics indicate an increase in research efficiency, accelerated implementation of scientific developments in practice, optimization of research costs in the field of armament and military equipment.
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Copyright (c) 2020 Vadym Lukyanchuk, Ivan Nikolaev, Pavlo Open’ko, Igor Dzeverin, Oleh Uhrynovych

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