Methodical approach to determining a rational option for modernization of anti-aircraft missile weapons’ functional systems
The results of the research published in the article will be useful for logistic support specialists who are involved in the organization of the operation and renewal of weapons and military equipment. The article discusses the methodical approach to substantiate the rational option of modernization of anti-aircraft missile weapons, taking into account changes in the properties of elements of electronic equipment and opportunities to create elements of functional systems on a modern element base. The publications in the scientific and technical literature on the issues of the aging of complex technical systems for various purposes, including the state of the element base of electronic equipment of anti-aircraft missile weapons, found that tasks related to the modernization of functional anti-aircraft missile systems, changes in the properties of equipment elements, using a modern element base, is currently unsolved, which allowed to determine the scientific task of further development of the scientific and methodological approach of choosing a rational option for modernization of anti-aircraft missile systems, taking into account changes in the properties of electronic equipment creation of elements of functional systems on a modern element base.
The choice of the expedient variant of modernization of functional systems of antiaircraft missile armament samples from several alternative both on level of depth of modernization, and on the used element base on use of the methodical device as the offered methodical approach to substantiation of rational variant of systems on modernization of their functions element base. It is shown that in the current conditions, it is advisable to develop modernized systems (units, subunits) of anti-aircraft missile weapons and their components based on imported elements, taking into account additional organizational and technical measures to ensure reliability in certain operating conditions. It is stated that to solve this problem requires justification and selection of indicators and performance criteria, the use of which will describe each of the options for modernization with the creation of an element of functional systems on a modern element base, including material and time costs, and compare them.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Pavlo Openʹko , Vladislav Kobzev , Vadym Vasiliev , Oleh Uhrynovych , Volodymyr Diachenko
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