Formalized student representation in the higher military education institution online learning system
Purpose: the aim of the work is to develop (improve) the online learning model, which allows to improve the quality of the educational process of higher education and achieve the necessary indicators of learning quality using the distance learning system.
Design/Method/Approach: for achieving the research goal, the model, which consists of personal individual, moral and psychological, mental, linguistic, motor, psychophysiological, and other properties of the sub 'elements training, as well as the features of the presentation of educational material at different stages of training and in conditions of its incompleteness and a priori uncertainty, had been proposed.
Findings: the stages of construction of the formalization apparatus for presenting the student model with the use of the online learning systems in the conditions of limited possibilities for presenting educational information and the time limit for acquiring the necessary competencies are considered.
Theoretical implications: based on the results of the study, formalized representation of the learning process in the online learning system and its main components had been received.
Practical implications (if applicable): the formalization apparatus allows to take into account the personal intellectual, moral and psychological, mental, linguistic, motor, psycho-physiological, and other properties of the subjects, which will allow achieving the goals of the training process in the most effective manner.
Originality/Value: the value of the study lies in its practical significance for further research in the direction of developing (improving) the model of online learning, which will improve the quality of the educational process of higher education and achieve the required quality of learning using online learning.
Future research. one of the main disadvantages of information modeling of automated learning processes is the need to adhere to the assumption of additivity of the information measure, which is not always fair in practice..
Papertype: theoretical.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Serhii Shylo, Ihor Borozenets, Serhii Osiievskyi, Oleksii Nesmiian, Pavlo Open’ko, Oleh Uhrynovych

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