Methodical approach for formulating requirements for the restoration system of armaments and military equipment

Keywords: efficiency, restoration of weapons and military equipment, repair fund


When planning a combined arms battle (operation), command and control bodies determine the capabilities of the system for restoring weapons and military equipment, which is an integral part of the overall system for supporting troops (forces). The level of staffing of military units (subdivisions) with serviceable models of weapons and military equipment depends on the efficiency of the functioning of the system for restoring weapons and military equipment and determines the level of their combat effectiveness.

The experience of performing tasks by military units (subdivisions) on the territory of Donetsk and Lugansk regions indicates that the system for the restoration of weapons and military equipment does not fully ensure the fulfillment of tasks for the timely restoration of damaged weapons and military equipment.

The main tasks of the system for restoring weapons and military equipment in the course of hostilities (operations) are technical reconnaissance, evacuation, repair and maintenance of weapons and military equipment. Accordingly, at the hierarchical level, the main tasks for the tactical echelon are to maintain the combat potential of military units (subunits) by restoring the entire repair fund through routine repairs, and operatively in the periodic replenishment of military units (subunits) with weapons and military equipment through medium repairs.

The criterion for the achievement of the set goal by the system is determined by the specified number of serviceable weapons and military equipment in service at the end of the operation, and the criterion for the fulfillment of tasks according to the hierarchy levels is the effectiveness of the restoration of weapons and military equipment. It is determined in the article that if the tactical level recovery system does not cover the entire repair fund, then it will be transferred to the operational level, which will lead to a decrease in the efficiency of the operational level recovery system.


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How to Cite
Kotsyuruba , V., Sivak , V., & Uhrynovych , O. (2021). Methodical approach for formulating requirements for the restoration system of armaments and military equipment. Social Development and Security, 11(4), 158-168.

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