A possible approach to determining the rational composition of forces and means of radiation, chemical, biological protection for performing measures in conditions of radioactive and chemical contamination

Keywords: radiation and chemical contamination, measures, methods, radiation, chemical, biological protection


Purpose: determination of the rational composition of forces and means of radiation, chemical, biological protection for the implementation of measures in conditions of radioactive and chemical contamination.

Method: the method of network planning, method of combinatorial programming.

Findings: the developed a methodology for forming a rational structure of forces and means of radiation, chemical, biological protection for the implementation of measures in conditions of radioactive and chemical contamination, which, unlike the known ones, takes into account possible scenarios of radiation, chemical, dangerous situations, the scope of measures, consists of a number of stages and procedures and is based on forecasting the situation, optimization methods of network graphs and combinatorial optimization.

Theoretical implications: formation and solution of the optimization task of minimizing the time of implementation of measures with restrictions on the number of forces and means of radiation, chemical, biological protection of troops, taking into account possible scenarios of radiation, chemical, dangerous situation.

Paper type: descriptive and calculation-analytical.


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How to Cite
Poplavetz, S., Huzchenko, S., Vorobiov, O., Avramenko, O., & Shumeiko, V. (2022). A possible approach to determining the rational composition of forces and means of radiation, chemical, biological protection for performing measures in conditions of radioactive and chemical contamination. Social Development and Security, 12(5), 130-146. https://doi.org/10.33445/sds.2022.12.5.12
Civil Security