Formalization of the process of sustainable management in a three-dimensional coordinate system: time – money – space coverage
The article constructs a three-dimensional spatial model of the nomogram of harmonization of economic-societal-production-natural-resource interests of business entities (management or stakeholders). The model is built on the criterion of harmonized and disharmonized goals in the format of “selfishness – altruism” in the coordinates “time – space of coverage – money”. Reproducing the scope of additional specific measures and technologies of coordination coordination. According to the test use of which: recommended for the implementation of processes and procedures for the implementation of the functions of strategic management of sustainable management; elimination of differentiation and disintegration of economic, social, production and natural resource potentials of business participants and partners is possible.
The binary set of principles of the system approach to harmonization of economic, social, production and natural resource interests of sustainable economic entities has been improved. These principles, in contrast to the established, are based not only on a number of standard principles (harmonization systems: “interaction”, “balance”, “combination”, “agreement”, “coordination”) and general management (harmonization management: planning, organizing, controlling), motivation, coordination), as well as specific systemic principles of physical economy.
These principles are identified and grouped in accordance with the object and objectives of the study of sustainable management and harmonization management, which lays the methodological basis for practical implementation of the concept of sustainable management and the appropriate type of mechanisms provided harmonization of harmonization stages during both cycles.
Methodologically important provisions for the introduction of three-dimensional nomogram in the practice of management were formed, which was tested in two cycles of harmonization of economic, production, social and natural resource interests of economic entities (management or stakeholders), which proved: three-dimensional concept of time – money – space ”In harmonization processes indicates the “temporary” value of financial costs in coverage and time and that today's monetary income (due to harmonization of economic, social, industrial and natural resource interests) is more valuable than future, with the same amount.The categorical field of the theory of sustainable management has been developed by clarifying the content of the concept of “the process of harmonization of economic, social, natural resource and production interests”. This field: a) consists in their coherence in time, costs and coverage in order to ensure sustainable management of a certain nature of the system (which is a set of subjects – bearers of these interests); b) formalized in the interpretation of harmonization processes in the form of a geometric three-dimensional model of a linear continuum with synchronous differentiation of options “economic, societal, natural resource and production interest” of subjects of different nature by the criterion “egoism” – “altruism” individual, social or general needs.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Viktoriya Mykytenko , Petro Rogov , Mykola Khomik, Svitlana Khoroshilova , Oleksandr Biletskyi

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