Recommendations for evaluating the battle efficiency of the use of troops taking into account the creation and use of different options of reconnaissance-strike systems in operations
The experience of using troops in joint force operations has shown the need to improve existing approaches to the principles and methods of combat employment of groupings of troops. Today, there is a clear tendency of transition from platform-centric to network-centric principles of warfare. One of the possible ways of transition to network-centric principles of warfare is the creation of reconnaissance-strike systems by situational integration of existing forces and means of reconnaissance, control and destruction into target systems in a single information space. The reconnaissance-strike systems will be built from a multitude of subsystems united by information relations, which function as a whole, on the basis of common principles and rules, with agreed basic requirements for their components. The integration of various forces and assets into target systems creates the prerequisites for the presence of several possible options for these systems, which have different assessments of the effectiveness of their use, the cost indicators of their creation, maintenance and use, as well as different time intervals for their creation and putting them on alert. One of the criteria for making a decision on the advisability of choosing one or another variant of a reconnaissance-strike systems is an indicator of an increase in the effectiveness of the combat employment of troops due to the principles of synergetic effect in the case of the creation and use of different versions of reconnaissance-strike systems. The practical implementation of proposals for the creation of new or improvement of existing reconnaissance-strike systems in the Armed Forces of Ukraine, as well as the development of methodological approaches for choosing the most rational version of these systems will require certain methodological recommendations to clarify approaches to assessing the combat effectiveness of the use of troops, taking into account the results of applying this or another version of the reconnaissance-strike systems in the operations of the Joint Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. The author in the article proposes an algorithm for assessing the combat effectiveness of the use of troops, taking into account the creation and use of various options for reconnaissance-strike systems in an operation, on the basis of which the main recommendations for assessing combat effectiveness based on the use of reconnaissance-strike systems in an operation are formulated, and practical calculations of the effectiveness of various variants of reconnaissance-strike systems and a nomogram of the choice of a rational number of means of destruction of a reconnaissance-strike systems in conditions of a given number of means of destruction of the enemy is proposed.
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