Proposals to prevent emergencies caused by the spread of anthropogenic pollution in the aquatic environment
This paper considers proposals for the prevention of emergencies caused by the ingress and spread of anthropogenic pollution in the aquatic environment, through the modernization of the laboratory installation, followed by the construction of operational control systems for discharged process water.
To achieve this goal it is necessary to solve the following tasks. Initially, consider the possibility of modernizing a laboratory installation for the detection of anthropogenic impurities in real ship conditions on a research vessel in the interest of preventing emergencies caused by the ingress and spread of anthropogenic pollution in the aquatic environment. Then give a description of the proposed detector of anthropogenic pollution in the aquatic environment and consider its use as a single probe and the main element of the monitoring system of the aquatic environment. Then offer the option of operational control of discharged process water.
The operational control system for discharged process water includes a set of acoustic measuring devices installed at the points of water intake and spillway, which are connected via a telecommunication line to a laptop computer, where measurements of sound velocity corresponding to pure water, water containing impurities above and below the maximum permissible concentrations are recorded.
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Copyright (c) 2019 Olena Azarenko, Yuliya Goncharenko, Mykhailo Divizinyuk , Eugene Ivanov , Volodimir Mirnenko , Oleksandr Farrakhov

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