The process of an emergency situation development at a guarded critical infrastructure facility

Keywords: emergency situation, catastrophic event, guarded facility, critical infrastructure facility, accident, scenario.


In the paper, it is given a description of an emergency situation development at a guarded critical infrastructure facility in the interests of the subsequent development of hazardous phenomena models specific to each enterprise.

Primarily there have been formulated postulates that determine the solution of fundamental and applied tasks associated with the concept (term) of an emergency situation. Firstly, it is an objective spatio-temporal process that has its spatial and temporal scales. Secondly, this process takes place in a space defined by the corresponding spatial scales. Thirdly, this process is determined by a short-term event or a set of short-term events during which one or more parameters describing a situation or an occurring event change with the largest (maximum, extreme) gradients. Taken into account these postulates for the description of an emergency situation as a spatio-temporal process, it is necessary to use three criteria namely: a clear definition of the type of catastrophic event as a result of which the researched emergency situation is being formed, the probability of this event and a degree of reduction of its negative consequences.

The process of an emergency situation development bases on the main starting point, namely a catastrophic event that can happen. So the spatio-temporal process of an emergency situation development consists of five main stages. The first is the stage of everyday accumulation of negative factors. The second is the stage of extreme accumulation of one or several negative factors. The third stage - the catastrophic event itself. The fourth stage is the stage of liquidation of the consequences of a catastrophic event. The fifth stage is the long-term consequences of a catastrophic event.


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Author Biographies

Elena Azarenko , National Aviation University

Doctor of Science, Professor, Dean of the Faculty

Yuliia Honcharenko , European University

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Professor of the department

Mykhailo Divizinyuk, Institute of Environmental Geochemistry of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

Doctor of Science, Professor, Head of department

Volodymyr Mirnenko, The National Defence University of Ukraine named after Ivan Cherniakhovskyi

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Honored Worker of Education of Ukraine, Head of the department

Iuliia Syrytsia , The National Defence University of Ukraine named after Ivan Cherniakhovskyi

Lecturer of the department

Volodymyr Oliferuk , The National Defence University of Ukraine named after Ivan Cherniakhovskyi

Head of department


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Azarenko , O., Goncharenko , Y., Divizinyuk , M., Mirnenko, V., & Farrakhov , O. (2019). Peculiarities of controlling an emergency situation on a water vehicle. Journal of Scientific Papers ʽʽSocial Development and Security’’, 9(3), 137-152.

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How to Cite
Azarenko , E., Honcharenko , Y., Divizinyuk, M., Mirnenko, V., Syrytsia , I., & Oliferuk , V. (2019). The process of an emergency situation development at a guarded critical infrastructure facility. Social Development and Security, 9(6), 132-146.

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