Opportunities and threats for Ukraine in the context of world globalization processes

Keywords: globalization, globalization processes, economy, potential, transnational companies, development model.


After the collapse of the Soviet Union, and with it the collapse of the isolation policy, the countries that were part of it, including Ukraine, automatically became players, or rather "victims" of the open market. Ukraine's industry, which was second in terms of capacity in the USSR, was not competitive and backward compared to countries that developed on a "western type" model: open markets, free competition, the movement of world capital without borders, the introduction of advanced technologies and innovations. Another blow was the deep cooperation of industry with the industry of other union republics, which did not allow to get a closed cycle in production with of high added value, and the former allies in the new conditions of market relations became rivals. This led to a serious recession in the economy and the search for a model of existence that would allow it to evolve.

At the same time, Ukraine has access to the technology market, education, new ways  and  methods, both in business and in the public sphere. Gradually began to reorient the world market and implement international standards, which made it possible to reduce the dependence on the old (traditional) markets, especially Russia after the war began in 2014. Ukraine has adopted and ratified the system of international law, which is one of the tools of world globalization processes. The more Ukraine became closer to the western countries, the greater appeared the tension in relations with Russia, which does not perceive the "Western model" of development and wants to expand its political, economic, military, territorial potential at the expense of post-Soviet countries and become a full-fledged global player in the world, and Ukraine is one of the key countries that will help achieve the goal.

Globalization processes have both a threat and opportunities for countries that are in the zone of globalization influence. We must understand what consequences Ukraine can expect from globalization, and which development concept will be able to ensure Ukraine's territorial integrity, the status of a sovereign and national state, and sustainable economic growth.


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How to Cite
Tkach, M. (2019). Opportunities and threats for Ukraine in the context of world globalization processes. Social Development and Security, 9(1), 69-81. https://doi.org/10.33445/sds.2019.9.1.6