Trends in the integration of elements of the space radionavigation system in the means to increase the accuracy of artillery munitions

  • Nikola Dorofeev Central Research Institute of Arms and Military Equipment of the Armed Forces of Ukraine
  • Svyatoslav Sus Central Research Institute of Arms and Military Equipment of the Armed Forces of Ukraine
Keywords: artillery, shells, GPS, and radionavigation space systems


The article deals with the main issues of implementation of the main trends in the development of artillery weapons. Its increase in the efficiency of the use of artillery shell fragmentation shells by introducing the latest technological developments in the means of correction of the trajectory. The situation that occurred during the Military Operation of the Joint Forces in the Donetsk and Luhansk Oblasts of Ukraine in 2014 required the use of not only light weapons but also more powerful weapons, namely artillery weapons, against illegal armed groups with high spectacular capabilities, maneuverability, clear control system. The experience of fighting in the area of modern military conflicts (the civil war in Syria) confirms the urgency of using high-precision weapons, namely high-precision artillery shells, since major hostilities occur in settlements.


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How to Cite
Dorofeev, N., & Sus, S. (2019). Trends in the integration of elements of the space radionavigation system in the means to increase the accuracy of artillery munitions. Social Development and Security, 9(1), 3–16.