Application of robotic systems in conditions of armed aggression by russian against Ukraine

Keywords: robotic systems, unmanned aviation systems, unmanned ground systems, marine (water) unmanned systems, application of robotic systems


Purpose: disclosure of the features of the use of robotic systems in the conditions of armed aggression by russian against Ukraine.

Method: analysis and synthesis.

Findings: the task of robotic systems at various levels of management of the Armed Forces of Ukraine has been formed, which helps to ensure a comprehensive approach to warfare, where the human factor is combined with automated systems, to increase the efficiency and safety of military operations, providing various functions that contribute to the implementation intelligence, fire support, logistics and medical assistance.

Theoretical implications: the analysis of the features of the use of the RS in the conditions of the armed aggression of the rf against Ukraine allows us to form their main tasks and purposes in combat operations: reconnaissance, patrolling, protection, attacks and strikes, logistics and demining.

Value: help increase the efficiency and safety of military operations, ensure the speed, accuracy and stability of the execution of tasks in order to improve the defense capability, ensure the security of military operations and protect national interests, as well as reduce the risks to the life and health of military personnel.

Future research: in the course of further research, it is advisable to analyze the current state of development of RS by various countries of the world, the level of implementation of the latest forms, methods and methods of managing RS, the features of their application in the military sphere with the aim of developing and introducing methodical materials into the educational process for the organization of quality training of relevant specialists.

Papertype: theoretical.


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How to Cite
Zaitsev, O., Prysiazhnyuk, M., Artyukh, S., Sydorenko, S., & Maksym, B. (2024). Application of robotic systems in conditions of armed aggression by russian against Ukraine. Social Development and Security, 14(6), 53-60.
Engineering and Technology