Theoretical approaches to defining the concept of “organizational and economic mechanism”

Keywords: organizational and economic mechanism, economic development, national economy, economic policy


Purpose: is to improve the concept of the organizational and economic mechanism for ensuring the development of the economy of Ukraine.Method: analysis and comparison, normative method.

Findings: Definition of the term “organizational and economic mechanism”.

Theoretical implications: consists in forming a holistic idea of modern approaches to the formation of the concept of “organizational and economic mechanism”, which ensures the regulation of organizational and technical, production and technological, financial and economic processes and relations in order to ensure the development of the state economy.

Practical implications: some errors and inaccuracies were identified in the formation of the concept of “organizational and economic mechanism”, namely: they don’t take into account the root causes of economic activity, such as the desire to satisfy certain market needs and the need to take into account the competitive environment; they do not take into account the goal, the focus of this sequence of actions and methods on establishing the interaction of individual elements of the system; they do not take into account the tools for achieving the desired results; they replace the components of the mechanism with goals and functions, which does not always allow for the identification of shortcomings in management in order to develop measures to eliminate them; they limit the number of methods included in the conceptual apparatus; they reflect the process of ensuring the development of the economy and the means of implementing this process without disclosing the term “mechanism”.

Paper type: theoretical.


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How to Cite
Bondarenko, Y. (2024). Theoretical approaches to defining the concept of “organizational and economic mechanism”. Social Development and Security, 14(6), 105-111.
Social Sciences