Factors affecting the demining process

Keywords: combat operations, explosive objects, demining


Purpose: is to analyze the factors affecting the demining process of the contaminated with explosive objects territory during the terrain reconnaissance, making safe lanes in minefields, complete (humanitarian) demining in order to take them more fully into account when conducting research on ensuring the effectiveness of the remote-controlled demining system.

Method: analysis, synthesis.

Findings: The article analyzes the main factors that affect the effectiveness of the Defense Forces' tasks of terrain reconnaissance for the presence of explosive objects and demining, as well as the creation and operation of a remote-controlled demining system.

Paper type: theoretical.


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How to Cite
Krivtsun, V., & Nanivska, L. (2023). Factors affecting the demining process. Social Development and Security, 13(5), 38-44. https://doi.org/10.33445/sds.2023.13.5.5
National Security