Multifactorial model of underwater detonation of the explosive object by divers-sappers of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine
Purpose: the construction of a multifactorial model of underwater detonation of an explosive object (EO), which should become the basis for the justification of operational and technical recommendations..
Design/Method/Approach: mixed research methods were used to achieve the goal: qualitative for choosing a plan for conducting a multivariate experiment; the method of direct expert evaluations for obtaining and evaluating raw data; quantitative for determining the parameters of the model, checking its reliability and analyzing it. Verification of reliability during real underwater explosions of EO.
Findings: for the first time, a model of EO undermining was obtained in the form of a three-factor quadratic polynomial, the coefficients of which establish a quantitative relationship between the level of preparedness of personnel, external conditions and rescuers' equipment.
Theoretical implications: the method of substantiating operational and technical recommendations to rescuers by taking into account the features that are inherent in the process of underwater detonation of EO has gained further development.
Practical value of the research: during the organization of work on the underwater detonation of the EO, the main attention should be paid to the level of preparedness of divers-sappers and the conditions for conducting humanitarian underwater demining. It is also necessary to take into account the type of equipment and the effects of interaction between the level of training of personnel and working conditions.
Originality/Value of the research: for the first time, the indicators that characterize the process of underwater detonation of the GNP as the functioning of the ergotechnical system "diver-sapper - an emergency situation related to the underwater location of the EO, which requires detonation at the location - personnel equipment" have been determined. In accordance with these indicators, operational and technical recommendations are substantiated.
Research Limitations/Future Research: the need to obtain new input data to build a new model of underwater blasting of EO, in the event that sapper divers will work at a depth of more than 10 m or use rebreathers. During further research, increased attention should be paid to the development of proposals for operational planning.
Paper type: calculation-analytical.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Viktor Strelets, Maksym Hrytsaienko, Ihor Soloviov, Gennady Kamyshentsev

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