The method of determining the parameters of a training attempt for evaluating a control exercise

Keywords: standard, emergency rescue work, experiment, training, expert evaluations


Purpose: determination of the sequence of obtaining parameters of a training attempt, according to which it is possible to evaluate the quality of its execution.

Method: qualitative for substantiating the research hypothesis; statistical analysis of experimental results; the method of expert evaluations for harmonizing professional views.

Findings: for the first time, a methodology for determining the parameters of a training attempt for evaluating a control exercise was developed, in which both the parameters for assessing the level of preparedness and the training attempt from which it can be carried out are determined.

Theoretical implications: the statistical method of substantiating standards by taking into account the features that are characteristic of the process of emergency and rescue operations by the personnel of the State Emergency Service has gained further development.

Practical value of the research: specific standards have been developed for assessing the level of preparedness of emergency services rescuers.

Originality/Value of the research: for the first time, the probabilities of hitting the time of emergency and rescue operations are determined using weighted average expert estimates, and during the justification of the attempt, after which the personnel can be evaluated, the exponential nature of the change in the time of the exercise depending on the level of preparedness of the rescuers is taken into account.

Research Limitations: the complexity of conducting experimental studies to obtain results, as well as the need to confirm the effectiveness of the training of rescuers using the proposed standards.

Paper type: calculation-analytical.


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How to Cite
Strelets, V., Malovyk, I., Ptysiazhniuk, V., Stepanchuk, S., Strelec, V., & Rebrov, O. (2024). The method of determining the parameters of a training attempt for evaluating a control exercise. Social Development and Security, 14(3), 219-237.
Civil Security