Formation of the professional readiness of the future border guard officers by means of the project activity
Purpose: is to reveal the essence of the substantive aspect of the process of forming professional readiness of future border guard officers by means of project activity.
Method: empirical method, method of expert evaluations
The results of the study: the analysis of the results shows that the level of readiness for project activities of the cadets, in the preparation of which the described scientific and methodical recommendations were fully used, has noticeably increased. Thus, among graduates of 2021, a high level of readiness was observed at 26.7% compared to 14.2% in 2018, and the number of graduates with a low level of readiness decreased from 33.5 to 14.1%, respectively. In addition, the 2021 graduates have a significantly higher correlation coefficient between the expert assessment and the cadetsʼ self-assessment (0.89 and 0.57, respectively), which indicates a more objective assessment by the cadets of their professionally significant qualities. This result allows us to draw a conclusion about the effectiveness of the developed technology of organizing the training of cadets for project activities.
Value: based on the experience of relevant developments, a method of forming the professional readiness of future border guards by means of project activities was developed, which involves the introduction of specific methodological principles into the educational process.
Future research: це дослідження відкриває шляхи для майбутніх досліджень щодо розробки спеціальної педагогічної технології, що дозволить організувати неперервну педагогічну практику для розвитку професійної компетентності саме у вихованні особового складу.
Papertype: theoretical.
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