The unpredictable factor of corruption in hybrid warfare through the prism of an energy-centric approach

Keywords: corruption, war, potential


Purpose: determine the influence of the corruption factor in hybrid warfare through the prism of an energy-centric approach.

Method: the research was conducted using the following general scientific and special methods: the historical method during the study of the development of the corruption factor as an element of hybrid warfare in chronological order; the method of analysis and synthesis in their systematic combination during the data review on manifestations of corruption in the security sector and defense of the Russian Federation; abstract-logical method – for formulating theoretical generalizations and research conclusions. The work was performed personally by the author.

Findings: a study of corruption was conducted using an energy-centric approach. It has been established that corruption is an effective weapon of hybrid warfare, because by exporting corrupt influence, corrupt erosion of societies takes place and the main goals of this war are affected: institutions of democracy and the rule of law. It has been proven that in the Russian-Ukrainian war, the level of corruption in the security and defense sector of the Russian Federation turned out to be an underestimated factor in reducing the aggressor's potential. The most resonant consequences of the corruption of the defense sector for the Russian army during the war in Ukraine are singled out: total understaffing of the troops; the increase in the volume of state defense orders did not lead to the technological modernization of the Russian armed forces; low-quality food supply; lack of material and technical means; failure of strategic and tactical training of the Russian army and power structures due to the low professional level and corruption of the Russian generalship.

Theoretical implications: deepened the scientific and theoretical understanding of the factor of corruption as an unpredictable element of hybrid warfare.

Practical implications: the results of the study can be taken into account during assessment potential of the enemy.


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How to Cite
Voloshenko, A. (2022). The unpredictable factor of corruption in hybrid warfare through the prism of an energy-centric approach. Social Development and Security, 12(5), 55-63.
Social Sciences