Adaptive management in self-organization of industrial enterprise

Keywords: adaptive management, adaptive potential, self-organization, industrial enterprise


The aim of the article is to study adaptive management in the context of ensuring the appropriate level of self-organization of an industrial enterprise. The relevance of the study is due to the need to develop a mechanism of adaptive management of the enterprise as an open socio-economic system capable of self-organization, which allows you to organically combine the properties of stability and, at the same time, flexibility and adaptability. The article presents a method for assessing the development of the enterprise. There is also a reference system of indicators for assessing the stage of development of the enterprise, which reflects the optimal conditions for its operation and development. Spearman and Kendall coefficients are used to assess the difference between actual and normative ranks. The calculation of rank correlation coefficients allows determining the indicator that integrates the volume and structural scope of the enterprise in a single assessment. The proposed coefficient is a tool for determining the stage of self-organization of the socio-economic system, thus acting as an integral coefficient of self-organization. From the absolute value of this correlation coefficient, we can conclude about the degree of relationship between the values of the actual and reference series. The scale of values of coefficient of self-organization of development of the enterprises from a position of variants of administrative influence is developed. The proposed tools for the choice of managerial influence on the economic system, which is based on the methods of dynamic standards, is an element of a holistic mechanism for managing the self-organization of the socio-economic system. The level of self-organization makes it possible to assess the adaptive potential of the enterprise as the ability to adapt to change. The model for an estimation of adaptive potential of the enterprise with use of an indicator of speed of development of the enterprise is offered. At the same time, the calculated value of adaptive potential based on the indicator of self-organization is a dynamic indicator that can act as a criterion for assessing the effective management system of the enterprise. The mechanism of adaptive management of the enterprise which basis is based on the formation of the adaptive-innovative environment is offered. Adaptation-innovation environment is considered as a set of mutually agreed conditions of internal and external environment of the enterprise, which are outlined by the mechanisms of market, state regulation and stimulation of creation and implementation of innovations, as well as tools and methods that promote innovative development. social qualities of adaptive nature in the implementation of changes in financial and economic activities in response to the variability of the socio-economic environment. The conducted research confirms the hypothesis that it is possible to solve the problem of system support of sustainable innovative development of enterprises by developing and scientifically substantiating the main approaches to the formation of adaptive-innovative environment, with a concentration of managerial activity on balancing business processes of the enterprise. problems of adaptation and development on an innovative basis.


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How to Cite
Bondarenko , S., & Makoveieva , O. (2021). Adaptive management in self-organization of industrial enterprise. Social Development and Security, 11(2), 238-255.

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