Methodological aspects of construction of methods of modeling and analytical processing of databases and knowledge management system of armament and military equipment

  • Oleksii Holovin Central research institute of weapons and military equipment of the Armed Forces of Ukraine
Keywords: ontological interface, modules of basic software integration, module of creation of digital document collection, indexing tools, polymic synonymic zone, module of interactive interaction, module of multicriteria comparative analysis and module of forecasting.


It is suggested to manage the development of weapons and military equipment in a single network environment of the relevant information and analytical system by coordinating the mechanisms of interaction of information resources, which reflect different descriptions of the armament and military equipment. Such interaction should be built on the basis of transdisciplinary integration procedures, which will ensure synchronization of activities of all participants of the process and semantic and temporal synchronization of all categories and concepts of information resources and digital assets. Formation of many concepts, as the structure of semantic units-concepts and formal model of subject knowledge is ensured by the use of ontological methods. The management of information processing processes is built on the use of taxonomies that reflect the properties of information processes. As a corporate high-performance information-analytical search platform, the core of which is a two-tier system of indexing information resources, the use of semantic control and ontological interface IT-TODOS is proposed. The main linguistic functions, tasks, word processing, data preparation to preserve the database structure, function monitoring and administration implemented in the linguistic subsystem. 

The formation of the model of the problem of choice and its solution on the basis of ontology is carried out in the information-analytical system, which includes: ontological interface, modules of basic program integration, module of creation of digital document collection, indexing tools, polymic synonymic zone, module of interactive interaction multicriteria benchmarking and forecasting module.

The approach presented in the article will allow for a powerful monitoring of the processes of development, operation and modernization of armament and military equipment by analyzing the content, aggregating and rating huge amounts of information contained in file electronic collections of text documents.


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Author Biography

Oleksii Holovin, Central research institute of weapons and military equipment of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Senior Research,

Chief of the Directorate for Scientific Research of Armament and Military Equipment of the Air Force.


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How to Cite
Holovin, O. (2019). Methodological aspects of construction of methods of modeling and analytical processing of databases and knowledge management system of armament and military equipment. Social Development and Security, 9(5), 110 -.