Problematic issues of legal regulation of the activities of entities engaged in the protection and defense of military property
Protection and defense of property require the existence of clear legal regulation. The definition of effective administrative and legal mechanisms is possible only in the presence of a scientific basis. Currently, in the theory of administrative law, there are no classifications of entities that carry out the protection and defense of military property. Accordingly, the legislation of Ukraine does not specify a state body or system of bodies responsible for performing the functions of protection and defense of military property. This issue requires the introduction of clear state mechanisms for monitoring the protection and defense of military property, assessing their effectiveness.
The article deals with a legal category such as administrative and legal status. In more detail, the author drew attention to the peculiarities of the legal status of the subjects who carry out the protection and defense of military property. The following legal categories are analyzed: competence, tasks, functions and powers, rights and obligations, and their correlation with each other. Author's definition of the concepts of "competence" and "authority" is proposed.
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