Directions for the development of domestic self-propelled artillery systems based on the analysis of samples of artillery weapons from the leading countries of the world

Keywords: SPG, inertial navigation and guidance systems, NATO, analysis, shell


The armed aggression of the Russian Federation in the east of Ukraine has made significant adjustments to the domestic development of weapons and military equipment both in our country and abroad. The development of artillery weapons as the main type of effective engagement of the enemy according to the experience of the anti-terrorist operation (operation of the Joint Forces) is a priority, since a considerable percentage of the tasks of engaging the enemy with fire falls on artillery. This article discusses the formation of directions for the development of domestic self-propelled artillery systems based on the analysis of samples of artillery weapons from the militarily leading countries of the world. It should be noted that the widespread introduction of modern technologies and scientific and technical solutions to increase the effectiveness of the use of a model of weapons and military equipment is one of the main directions of the development of artillery weapons for a partial solution of problems associated with the development of forms of warfare.


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How to Cite
Kislitsyn , A., & Dorofeev , N. (2021). Directions for the development of domestic self-propelled artillery systems based on the analysis of samples of artillery weapons from the leading countries of the world. Social Development and Security, 11(6), 98-107.