Terrorism and Technology

  • Saron Obia Pan African Institute for Development, West Africa (PAID-WA), Buea
Keywords: terrorism, technology, intelligence, hacking


The globalization era, also known as the era of technological evolution, has changed the narrative of international, regional and national security strategy. Terrorism is an evitable word use to describe recent events in the world. the emergence of new technological devices has both negative and positive impact in the world challenged by transnational actors. The paper examines the definition and forms of acts of terrorism in connection with technology, in order to understand the continual existence of the menace despite measures adopted by states. Hence, there exist no generally accepted definition of terrorism. The paper analysis the link between terrorism and technology from two dimensions; first, exploring the impact of technology in relation to the rise of terrorist groups and as well the role of the media. The second part, examines the challenges and the advantage of technology in relation to national security.


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How to Cite
Obia, S. (2021). Terrorism and Technology. Social Development and Security, 11(6), 164-170. https://doi.org/10.33445/sds.2021.11.6.13