Improved system of indicators efficiency of functioning the air defense system of military formation of tactical level

Keywords: military formations, offensive combat, air defense, air defense system, operational efficiency, efficiency indicators




The results of the analysis of military conflicts in recent decades, especially the experience of the Joint Forces Operation and the anti-terrorist operation in Ukraine, indicate that tactical-level military formations cannot successfully perform combat missions in the face of enemy air superiority.

Changes in the ways to achieve the goal of all-out combat, in particular offensive combat, associated with the emergence of new means of air attack make more stringent demands on the effectiveness of the air defense system of military formations.

The above determines the need to take into account changes in the qualitative composition, scale and nature of the use of enemy air attacks, including unmanned, in the planning of offensive combat.

This article is devoted to the solution to this actual scientific problem. Therefore, the system of indicators of the effectiveness of the air defense system used in military formations of the tactical level needs to be improved.


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How to Cite
Horbachov , K. (2021). Improved system of indicators efficiency of functioning the air defense system of military formation of tactical level. Social Development and Security, 11(5), 81-89.