Development of the production of unmanned robotic systems in Ukraine through international military-economic cooperation

Keywords: international military-economic cooperation, unmanned robotic systems, public-private partnership


The article analyzes the international experience in the development and production of unmanned robotic systems as a promising area for the development of weapons and military equipment. The problem is the need for scientific substantiation of a number of unresolved issues related to achieving a balance between ensuring the required level of economic and financial security of the country and the ability to ensure its economic stability and development of its economic potential. The purpose of the article is to substantiate the ways of reforming and developing the production of unmanned robotic systems at the enterprises of the defense industry of Ukraine through the development of international military-economic cooperation using public-private partnership. The normative-legal, organizational and economic factors that hinder their development in Ukraine are covered. One of the options for solving this problem for Ukraine is to develop its own models, modernize domestic developments of unmanned aerial vehicles, given that Ukraine does not have a full cycle of such equipment, it is impossible to develop samples of such weapons in the short term. Another option to solve this urgent problem is to use promising developments of unmanned aerial vehicles of the necessary parameters of the leading states in this field – the United States, Israel, Turkey by means of international military-economic cooperation (ІVEС).

Priorities for the development of unmanned robotic systems have been identified, one of which is the use of international military-economic cooperation instruments, which are proposed to include strong and lasting cooperative ties, based on preconceived and agreed intentions, which are enshrined in long-term economic agreements and treaties. in the development and production of UAVs and UAVs between domestic companies - developers of unmanned robotic systems and leading foreign companies in the United States, Turkey, other NATO member states, Israel on the implementation of joint projects in this area. It is proposed to unite the efforts of the public and private sectors of the defense-industrial complex of Ukraine to intensify the production of unmanned robotic systems for various purposes, which makes it possible to create joint ventures in the form of economic organizations for the implementation of investment and innovation, capital-intensive, long-term projects and is an international practice. It is thanks to this that it becomes possible to distribute the risks of the project, attract significant investments to it and promote goods / services to the markets of other countries. Measures are proposed for the development of public-private partnerships in this area, in particular: the introduction of economic mechanisms for effective interaction between scientific and industrial complexes of various forms of ownership, as well as public-private partnerships of enterprises that ensure the development, manufacture and modernization of unmanned vehicles. The priority of the development of international military-economic cooperation in the field of unmanned vehicles is indicated: strengthening the export potential of the domestic defense industry, which should be carried out through: the development and adoption of regulatory legal acts aimed at ensuring international military-economic cooperation and the implementation of offset transactions in the purchase of robotic platforms and import robotics; the conclusion of intergovernmental agreements on international military-economic cooperation, providing for the mutual protection of investments, technologies, specific measures for the joint production of unmanned vehicles for the needs of the markets of third countries; creating favorable conditions for the implementation of international projects in the field of weapons and military equipment, in particular, providing conditions for the creation of joint production of unmanned vehicles that are not produced in Ukraine.


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How to Cite
Tolok , P. (2021). Development of the production of unmanned robotic systems in Ukraine through international military-economic cooperation. Social Development and Security, 11(5), 51-59.