Recommendations to the head of the border service department when organizing special search actions
This article is about the analysis of the guiding documents regulating the organization of operational and service activities of the border guard division on the basis of modern approaches to modernization of state border protection and border practice. The procedure for organizing and holding of special measures for search of offenders by border guard division is defined. It is found that for the given period of time there are no practical recommendations to the chief of border guard division, concerning deliberate preparation, the order of the organization and the management of special actions concerning search of offenders on the fixed area of responsibility.
In the conditions of dynamic development of the situation on the state border there are circumstances that require prompt response and timely implementation of measures to prevent illegal activities, namely the search and detention of offenders. The practice of implementing these measures in the area of responsibility of the border guard division in many cases indicates the dependence of the successful combating illegal activities on the deliberate organization of special measures. At the same time, there is a contradiction between the available capabilities of violators in carrying out illegal activities and the ability of the border guard division to carry out special measures.
Поиск научных путей разрешения этого противоречия определяет необходимость более тщательного анализа данной проблемы. Актуальность статьи заключается в изучении практического опыта использования сил и средств пограничной службы (в органах охраны границы Государственной пограничной службы Украины) при проведении специальных мероприятий по розыску правонарушителей, устранению возникающих противоречий. в процессе умышленной подготовки, организации и проведения пограничной службой специальных мероприятий по поиску правонарушителей.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Vadym Torichnyi , Valerii Raiko , Denys Zaharchuk , Volodymyr Andrushko

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