On the issue of formation of scales of assessment of the level (state) of military and economic security of the state

Keywords: military security, economic security, military-economic security, defense components, fuzzy-multiple mathematical model, integrated function, resource capabilities, evaluation scale


In any country, the amount of defense spending depends on the level of military and economic security of the state. That is, in order to adequately respond to changes in the state of military and economic security of the country, it is necessary to assess its level taking into account the resource capabilities of the state at the time of assessment, and only then decide on the share of increasing or decreasing defense spending. Building a scale for assessing the level of military and economic security, which allows to investigate the sensitivity of the assessment of the level of military and economic security to changes in input data and increase the stability of decisions on this assessment is an urgent and necessary task today. It is proposed in the article, the scale for assessing the level of military and economic security to be set on the basis of fuzzy-multiple mathematical model. The use of fuzzy-multiple mathematical model to build a scale for assessing the level of military and economic security, will allow to operate partial fuzzy indicators on the components of resource indicators of military and economic security of the state to study the sensitivity of the assessment of the level of military and economic security input data and increase the stability of decisions made in accordance with this assessment.


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How to Cite
Moskalenko, I. (2020). On the issue of formation of scales of assessment of the level (state) of military and economic security of the state. Social Development and Security, 10(5), 58-67. https://doi.org/10.33445/sds.2020.10.5.6