Substantiation of directions of development and improvement of the system of staffing of the Armed Forces of Ukraine with the ordinary, non-commissioned staff

  • Mykola Dumenko General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine
  • Dmytro Nosov
  • Vitaliy Murashko General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine
Keywords: the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the joint forces operation, military commissariats (territorial centers of recruitment and social support), rankers NCOs and officers


This article examines and analyzes the basic directions of development and improvement of the system of manning of the Armed Forces of Ukraine with the sergeants (and other enlisted grades) , based on the experience gained and on analysis of manning systems of the leading countries of the world. In Ukraine, with the onset of the armed aggression of the Russian Federation, the tasks assigned to the personnel services and military commissariats required rapid response and aimed at implementing mobilization deployment of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.


To date, the main focus on staffing the Armed Forces of Ukraine is the priority of providing operational (tactical) grouping of troops to contracted military servicemen to accomplish tasks during the operation of the Joint Forces and further readiness of the troops (forces) to repel the armed aggression. At the same time, an important issue to resolve is the recruitment of a professional sergeant (and other enlisted grades) for the military service, with the encouragement of military personnel to prolong their military service. The article describes the reasons that may deter citizens from joining the military service and ways to resolve this issue.

Particular attention in the article is devoted to the work of recruiting units, which provide selection for contracted military service using the latest selection technologies and techniques. The importance of the practical activity of the territorial recruitment and social support centers for the instructors of the recruiting and recruitment departments is also considered.


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Author Biography

Dmytro Nosov

General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine


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How to Cite
Dumenko , M., Nosov , D., & Murashko , V. (2020). Substantiation of directions of development and improvement of the system of staffing of the Armed Forces of Ukraine with the ordinary, non-commissioned staff. Social Development and Security, 10(1), 113-127.